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Buying Vacant Land For Investment In Little Rock, AR

There are many ways that you can invest in real estate – from residential to commercial to multifamily… and one often overlooked way to invest is a land investment. Are you looking at buying vacant land for investment in Little Rock, AR? If so, keep reading because this blog post will walk you step by … Continued

How to Flip Your First House in Little Rock

Do you want to learn how to flip your first house? There are many things about the process you might not see on HGTV. We have put together some of our favorite tips for flipping homes in Little Rock and across Arkansas! For a first-time flipper, the process can become overwhelming. What might seem so … Continued

3 Tips On Making An Offer On A Short Sale

You’ve found a short sale property that suits you and meets your investment criteria. Now it’s time to make an offer. And today that means a good amount of bidding competition – and quite a bit of it some pretty well-heeled bidders. So you’ll need to know how to make an offer on a short … Continued

4 Costs Associated With Rental Property

If you’re thinking about investing in rental property, you’re probably doing your due diligence to make sure it’s right for you. Likely, one step in that due diligence is figuring out what expenses you’ll pay. Smart! To help you, we’ve created this list of 4 costs associated with rental property… When it comes to investing … Continued

Keys To Building A Passive Cash Flow With Turnkey Property

Thinking about investing in turnkey properties? Make sure you read this article which reveals the 5 secret keys to building a passive cash flow with turnkey property – which works here in the zip code, and elsewhere. Most people work their whole lives and then retire at 65 with little to show for it. But … Continued

Tenant Screening: What’s Involved? | USA Discount Properties

Owning a rental property is a big investment. Having great tenants makes all the difference in the world. As a landlord, protecting yourself and your investment is imperative. In our latest blog, we will discuss some ways to screen your prospective renters.  First things first. When you are advertising a property for rent, be sure to … Continued

5 Things To Look For In Your Memphis Investment Property

If you want to buy an investment property in Memphis, it’s important to know what to look for. In this post, we will provide you with 5 things you’ll want to take note of before making a purchase. Investing in Memphis real estate is one of the smartest financial decisions you can make. The returns … Continued

How to Find Turnkey Rentals In Memphis

Want to invest in turnkey properties? Of course, you do because they make a great addition to any portfolio. In this blog post we’re sharing how to find turnkey rentals in Memphis… Median rent price for a one bedroom apartment in Memphis was $1,158 at the end of 2022 and the median home value incrase … Continued